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What are the health benefits of chlorella?

What are the health benefits of chlorella?


Chlorella is a so-called superfood that has earned a glittering reputation among its supporters as a patch. The humble algae, native to Taiwan and Japan, has reportedly ranged from increasing antibody counts to promoting weight loss and even fighting cancer,

Chlorella is a single-celled freshwater algae that is naturally rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Eating green algae and growing chlorella have many practical benefits, including the fact that they are high in protein and grow fast. However, beyond the everyday benefits, there is much about the ability to fight various diseases.

Chlorella comes from different strains, each with different nutritional qualities. Chlorella, the type that claims to be most commonly sold as a food supplement, has the highest nutritional value. Supplements are available in tablets, powders or liquid extracts.

Chlorella has a tough cell wall, which makes it hard and impossible to digest in its natural form. For this reason, chlorella is treated before it is sold, so its nutrients can be properly digested. Researchers are also using chlorella as an alternative and renewable fuel source for agricultural equipment.

Nutritional benefits

The exact balance of nutrients found in chlorella can vary greatly depending on how it is grown and processed and the specific strain used. A 2014 study found that chlorella, treated with active clay to make it more suitable as a fuel source, lost more than 70 percent of its fatty acid content. Chlorella sold in health stores should have higher nutritional value than is considered fuel. However, the safety and effectiveness of supplements is poorly regulated in the United States, so they should be used with caution when purchased from these retail stores.

Here are some of the nutritional benefits of chlorella:


The common Chlorella vulgaris is one of the most common species, with a protein content of up to 58%. Chlorelin is absorbed by the body, almost as much as the protein found in eggs and milk. This is a rare source of plant protein and makes chlorella a great protein choice for vegetarians.

B - 12

Chlorella is one of the few plant sources of vitamin b-12 confirmed in a 2002 study. A 2015 study found that b-12 taken from small algae helped improve the health of 17 vegetarians and vegetarians between the ages of 26 and 57 years with a history of b-12 deficiency. This result suggests that the body effectively absorbs b-12 found in chlorella, making algae a useful option for vegans and vegans deficient in vitamin B12.


Chlorella is rich in iron, which prevents iron deficiency. A 2009 study found that a group of given chlorella supplements were associated with significantly lower rates of anemia in pregnant women who experienced pregnancy.


In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, several studies have shown chlorella has the potential to provide other health benefits:

Can prevent dementia

A 2009 study in mice found chlorella had a significant protective effect against age-related mental decline. A large part of this seems to be chlorella's antioxidant effect on the brain. But so far there have been no human studies.

Can improve immunity

Animal studies decades ago found that chlorella improved the immune system's ability to fight off bacteria and viruses in mice. A 2012 study tested the effects of human subjects' saliva immune systems on chlorella. A total of 30 healthy people were given chlorella and were accompanied by 30 people who received a placebo for the four-week study. The trial was repeated for four weeks after 12 weeks. The researchers found a variety of positive and significant changes, suggesting that taking green algae can boost the immune system. However, the researchers recognized the limitations of the study and suggested that further testing is needed. May combat estrogen and reduce cancer risk

Estrogen is a natural hormone that is important for the health of both men and women. There are estrogen-mimicking substances that can enter the body through contaminated soil, water, air and other sources. These mimics are called xenoestrogens, and research has linked them to an increased risk of developing various types of cancer.

A 2005 study found that contaminated BPA, an isoestrogen laboratory culture, could be effectively treated with chlorella. In the study, chlorella removed all the estrogen activity of BPA from the culture. Although studies in animals and humans are needed, chlorella can significantly reduce the risk of cancer caused by estrogen-mimicking compounds.

The American cancer society has previously said there is scant scientific evidence that chlorella is effective against cancer or any other human disease. Anyone wishing to use chlorella as a dietary supplement should be aware of the potential risks of a lack of oversight in the production process.

Risks and side effects

People should be aware that every superfood has some potential risks and side effects. Unfortunately, chlorella is no different in this respect.

A 2003 study suggested that green algae, such as chlorella, may have been infected with the virus. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found evidence that these algae viruses infect humans and cause a decline in mental function.

Studies dating back to 1996 found endotoxin-like properties in chlorella extracts. Endotoxins are substances known to cause inflammation in humans under laboratory conditions. However, the effect depends largely on the dose.

Chlorella is touted by its supporters as a highly nutritious dietary supplement that can compensate for some of the nutrient deficiencies common to vegetarians and vegetarians. However, chlorella supplements are not regulated by the us food and drug administration (FDA). This leads to questions about efficacy and safety. There was some early scientific evidence that it might improve mental function, boost immunity and even reduce the risk of cancer. However, more human studies are needed to confirm these claims.

One of chlorella's potential downsides is that it can cause inflammation in some people, although most evidence suggests otherwise. If someone feels unwell while taking chlorella, stop immediately and consult a doctor. Because chlorella supplements are not regulated, there is a risk of contamination. For example, a user might buy virus-infected chlorella and get infected.

As a dietary supplement, chlorella may have some benefits. However, due to the lack of regulations on the production of these supplements, people should be careful when taking them.



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